Sunday 23 August 2009

Sree's Recipe Launched!

Hello Everyone,

Am back...! Been away for 6 months and finally, was able to limp back in to my blog! Lots happened. Lots to catch up...But first, the latest. My wife launched her first blog! She is passionate about cooking and thats how "Sree's Recipes" happened.

Let us know what you guys think of this folks.

Sunday 8 February 2009

Feb 08, 2009

Today, Feb 8th 2009, second Sunday of February, is Wedding Day!

This is the day for all those married couples around the world. So, my congrats to all those folks, who are married and as happy as am today! On that front, a little bit about my marriage. My love, Sree and me got married on 8th of September 2007. Its called destiny! Otherwise, there was no chance that we could have ever met! She was from a northern district of my state and I was from the south. Still, we met and got married! I must say, marriage is the best thing that can ever happen to a man like me. I always wanted to get married and be in love and Sree was my dream come true. She is such a great gal to be with! Its been an year and a half and we are still as fresh as we used to be during our first week of togetherness. Love is all around. But we always do have our own share of fights and tears as well. I will say, if its not there in someones life, then they are just being dishonest with each other. If you love someone honestly, then when you disagree, you show it. You are not afraid of it. Thats what happens in our case. And its beautiful. Trust me!

So folks, you wont hear a guy say like this quite often. Go get married to the person you love. Be honest with him or her and be true to yourself when you love or when you fight. Life cant be any better than that.

We have our neighbors coming over for dinner tonight. Friday, we went for the movie, "Curious case of Benjamin Button". What a movie! Sree was hoping for a boring 3 hours in the hall but she too was pleasantly surprised for what a good movie that was. I was happy for two reasons. First for movie being good, second for Sree being happy watching it.

Ok guys, Needs to go. Have a good weekend.


Saturday 17 January 2009

Last week

Last one week has been a good one. Good thing was that, my exam which was planned for friday got postponed. Such a relief!!! First of all, i was not ready. Well, honestly, i feel like it was my fault. Though i had too much in my plate already, with all that, shifting to new apartment and working on the presentation for DSM, I could have managed it. But then, sometimes i feel so lazy to do anything. Such a pitty! I know i need to work on that. But hey, good thing is, next time, i am going to appear for two exams and going to pass in flying colors. Trust me. Will let you know when i do that. Ok?

Obama..! what a man he is! just saw his phyladalphia addess. Such an inspiration. I cant believe it! I used to be one who used to hate politics and politicians. This man changed everything. I cant wait to see him being inagurated. Heard there is going to be atleast 2 million people present at the ceremony! My god! Wish him good luck! After all, we dont see such guys quite oftern. Right?

Later guys..Have a great weekend.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

New Day, New Start

A new day begins. A new beginning. Fresh start. Am in a mood to experiment a little and this blog is the result of it. Hello there!! Welcome to Cyrusspeaks - My little adventure on the cyberspace!

For your wondering on the name I chosen for my blog - King Cyrus The Great of Persia is the one who made the first Human Rights Declaration in 539 BC on a pleasant day of October 17, the very same day I was born some 2500 years later in to the history of mankind! WHAT A CRAZY Coincidence. More on me, later.

OK. Thanks for your time my friend, or would be friend. For now, I have to retire. We will know each other more in the coming days OR so is I hope. SO, do come back. Till then, Take Care.